During the height of the COVID-19 crisis, I wanted to say thank you to first responders and essential workers for risking their lives for the greater good during a truly uncertain, dark, & scary time. I asked for nominations and was able to gift several women a piece of jewelry as a small token of my gratitude for their selflessness. Raj and Allie are just two of the amazing women I was able to learn about.

Allie was nominated by her sister-in-law, and when I reached out to learn her story, I was immediately struck by her resilience and selflessness. While all of us have faced our own struggles throughout the pandemic, Allie—a mother of five—was hit especially hard. As a nurse, Allie was called to the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis while her husband, who is in the military, served as well. At the time we corresponded, Allie hadn’t been able to be with her children in a month and described missing the simple act of tucking them into their beds at night. However, when she shared her story with me, not a single complaint rolled from her lips—which would have been well-warranted. Instead, she spoke with limitless humility and grace: “I have realized in times of chaos or fear, it either brings out the best or the worst in people. It has been my resolution for it to bring out my best.” I’m in awe of her generous spirit, and it was an honor to ask her to choose a piece from my collection. Allie selected the small Liv earrings, which look beautiful on her! Allie is an incredible example to us all in how we can better view and confront life’s curveballs: not as tremendous setbacks, but as opportunities to discover our best selves. 


The Selina King Empowerment Project seeks to bring connection and beauty into the lives of deserving women. If you know someone who is selfless, loving and has done incredible acts of kindness for others, we would like to meet them. To nominate, please reach out to us at info@selinaking.com.